How The Twelve Houses Of Astrology Guide Tarot Readings

Astrology and tarot reading are robust systems that many use for insight and guidance. While astrology is based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth, tarot taps into symbolism, intuition, and archetypal energy. Both systems provide valuable information, but their connection can sometimes be obscure. One key point of intersection is the twelve houses of astrology, which can offer a unique framework for interpreting tarot cards.

Understanding The Twelve Houses In Astrology

In astrology, the twelve houses represent different areas of life, from personal identity to relationships, careers, and beyond. Each house is ruled by a specific zodiac sign and planetary influence, providing context for how individuals experience these aspects of their lives. When looking at an astrology chart, each house's placement reflects the various energies or themes.

For example, the first house is linked with self-expression and identity, while the seventh house speaks to relationships and partnerships. Understanding these connections can bring more profound insight into a person's situation, and this is where astrology can complement tarot readings.

How The Houses Influence Tarot Card Interpretation

The twelve houses in astrology can offer an interpretive framework when reading tarot cards. Each house corresponds with particular life themes in the tarot's major and minor arcana. Here's how astrology's twelve houses can guide tarot readings:

First House – Self-Identity And The Fool

The First House is all about self-expression and identity. This house aligns closely with the Fool card in tarot, representing new beginnings, self-discovery, and stepping into the unknown. When the Fool appears in a reading related to the first house, it suggests that the querent may embark on a journey of self-discovery or a period of personal growth. It emphasizes freedom, personal transformation, and the courage to take risks to evolve.

Second House – Material Possessions And The Empress

The Second House governs finances, values, and material possessions. This aligns with the Empress card in tarot, which embodies abundance, nurturing, and the material world. If the Empress appears in a reading focused on the second house, it indicates that the querent may be experiencing a time of financial growth or increased comfort. It suggests focusing on life's material and sensual aspects, including home, family, and possessions.

Third House – Communication And The Magician

The Third House governs communication, learning, and local interactions. The Magician card in the tarot is strongly connected to the themes of skill, communication, and the use of personal power. When the Magician appears about the third house, it suggests that the querent has the tools and resources to express themselves clearly and effectively. The message here is that the querent can succeed by mastering their communication and utilizing their abilities to influence their environment.

Fourth House – Home And Family, The Moon

The Fourth House deals with emotional foundations, home, and family. In tarot, the Moon card resonates with the energies of the fourth house, reflecting deep emotions, intuition, and hidden aspects of one's emotional life. A Moon card in the fourth house context suggests that the querent may face emotional uncertainty or seek a deeper understanding of their inner world. It could indicate family issues or a need to trust intuition in matters related to home life.

Fifth House – Creativity And The Sun

The Fifth House is the domain of creativity, self-expression, and pleasure. The Sun card in the tarot is a fitting match, symbolizing vitality, joy, and success. When the Sun appears in the Fifth House, it signifies a time of creativity, celebration, and self-expression. It may indicate a period when the querent can shine in their artistic pursuits, romantic life, or hobbies. The Sun brings clarity and optimism, suggesting a time of happiness and growth.

Sixth House – Health And The Hermit

The Sixth House focuses on health, daily routines, and work. The Hermit card, which represents introspection, self-care, and personal wisdom, ties closely with this house. In a tarot reading focused on the sixth house, the Hermit may point to a need for self-care or a time of retreat to focus on physical or mental health. It could also indicate a period where the querent seeks answers through inner wisdom or needs to change their daily routine for better well-being.

Seventh House – Relationships And The Lovers

The Seventh House governs partnerships, including marriage, business, and significant relationships. In tarot, the Lovers card is a direct correspondence, representing choices, unions, and balance in relationships. When this card appears in the context of the seventh house, it often signals a significant partnership or decision related to a relationship. It could be a time of new connections or a crossroads where the querent must make a choice that will affect their personal or professional relationships.

Eighth House – Transformation And Death

The Eighth House is often linked to transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological matters. The Death card in the tarot is closely associated with this house, representing endings, transformations, and the clearing away of the old to make way for the new. If the Death card appears about the eighth house, the querent may profoundly change or release old patterns to experience personal growth. The focus is on regeneration and the inevitable cycles of life.

Ninth House – Philosophy And The Wheel Of Fortune

The Ninth House deals with philosophy, higher education, and long-distance travel. The Wheel of Fortune card in tarot fits well with this house, as it reflects cycles of change, fate, and the broader perspective on life. When this card appears in a reading related to the ninth house, it often indicates a turning point in the querent's journey or an opportunity for growth and exploration. This could be a time to expand one's horizons through travel, study, or philosophical inquiry.

Tenth House – Career And The Emperor

The Tenth House represents career, public life, and personal achievement. The Emperor card in the tarot is strongly connected to leadership, structure, and authority themes. If the Emperor card appears in a reading focused on the tenth house, it suggests that the querent may be stepping into a position of power or responsibility. It signals a time of stability and structure in career matters and can point to achieving long-term goals or building a solid foundation for the future.

Eleventh House – Friendships And The Star

The Eleventh House governs friendships, social circles, and hopes for the future. The Star card in the tarot corresponds with this house, symbolizing hope, inspiration, and fulfilling dreams. A Star card in the context of the eleventh house suggests that the querent's community or social network may support them and that their aspirations are within reach. It emphasizes optimism and realizing one's goals, often through collective support and shared vision.

Twelfth House – Spirituality And The High Priestess

Finally, the Twelfth House deals with the subconscious, hidden matters, and spirituality. The High Priestess card in the tarot reflects intuition, mystery, and spiritual insight. When the High Priestess appears about the twelfth house, it points to a deeper connection with one's spiritual side or the need to explore the unconscious mind. The querent may be called to trust their inner wisdom or investigate spiritual practices to gain clarity.


Astrology's twelve houses provide a framework for understanding the various facets of life, and tarot readings can draw on these themes to offer deeper insight. By aligning the symbolism of the tarot with the energies of each astrological house, you can enhance the interpretation of the cards and gain more precise guidance for specific areas of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity about relationships, career, or personal growth, understanding how the twelve houses guide tarot readings can lead to more meaningful and nuanced interpretations.