Step-by-step Guide to Reading Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are a great way to get to the thoughts and feelings. They answer questions and guide decisions. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to read tarot cards, this step by step guide will take you through everything you need to know.

What Are Tarot Cards?

A tarot deck has 78 cards, each with images and symbols. They are divided into two groups:

Major Arcana: 22 cards that represent big life events or lessons.

Minor Arcana: 56 cards that deal with everyday stuff like relationships, emotions and choices.

The Minor Arcana is further divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles. Each suit represents different areas of life, emotions, actions, thoughts and material possessions.

Choosing Your Tarot Deck

Choosing a tarot deck is important because it sets the tone for your readings. I recommend starting with the Rider-Waite deck as it’s beginner friendly and has detailed imagery that’s easy to read. But most importantly choose a deck that resonates with you personally.

Before a Tarot Reading

Before you read tarot cards you need to set the right environment and mindset.

1. Find a Quiet Space

Choose a calm and quiet place where you can focus. Distractions will break your concentration and make it harder to connect with the cards.

2. Set Your Intention

Think about the question or issue you want guidance on. Your question should be simple and clear like “What do I need to know about my career?”

3. Shuffle the Cards

Shuffling connects you to the cards. While shuffling focus on your question or intention. You can shuffle the cards any way you like, the method doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable.

Tarot Card Spreads

A card spread is the layout of the cards during a reading. For beginners the three card spread is a simple and effective choice.

Three-Card Spread

In this spread you draw three cards:

1. Past: Events or influences from the past.

2. Present: Your current situation.

3. Future: What might happen next.

Once you’re comfortable with the three card spread you can try more complex layouts like the Celtic Cross or five card spreads.

Reading the Cards

Each tarot card has its own meaning but your interpretation is what stands out to you.

1. Look at the Images

Pay attention to the pictures on the cards. What symbols do you see? What emotions do they evoke?

2. Notice the Colours

Colours play a big role in tarot. Bright colours might mean positive energy, darker tones might mean challenges.

3. Think about the Symbols

Symbols like animals, objects or numbers have deeper meanings. For example a sword could mean conflict or decision making.

Card Meanings

You can rely on intuition but it’s helpful to learn the traditional meanings of the cards. Here are some examples from the Major Arcana:

The Fool: A new beginning or taking a leap of faith.

The Magician: Using your skills and resources to achieve goals.

The High Priestess: Listening to your intuition and inner wisdom.

The Minor Arcana cards often reflect day-to-day situations. For instance:

Ace of Cups: New emotions or relationships.

Five of Wands: Conflict or competition.

Ten of Pentacles: Financial security and family stability.

You can use a tarot guidebook or online resources to learn more about each card’s meaning.

Building Confidence

Like any skill, reading tarot takes time and practice.

1. Practice Regularly

Read for yourself often to get familiar with the cards. You can also practice with friends or family.

2. Trust Your Instincts

Your intuition plays a big role in tarot reading. Pay attention to your feelings and thoughts during a reading; they often hold valuable insights.

3. Keep a Journal

Write down your readings, including the cards you pulled and your interpretations. Over time, you’ll notice patterns and improve your understanding.

Taking Care of Your Tarot Cards

Treat your tarot cards with care to maintain their energy. Store them in a safe place, like a cloth bag or wooden box. You can cleanse your cards by placing them under moonlight, using sage, or simply shuffling them with the intention to clear energy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Asking Yes-or-No Questions

Tarot works best for open-ended questions. Instead of asking, “Will I get the job?” try asking, “What can I do to improve my chances of getting the job?”

2. Overcomplicating the Process

Start simple. You don’t need to master every spread or memorize every card immediately. Focus on building your confidence step by step.

3. Ignoring Intuition

Don’t rely solely on guidebooks. Trust your instincts; the way a card resonates with you is just as important as its traditional meaning.

Why Tarot Is Personal

Tarot reading is a deeply personal practice. While there are traditional meanings and techniques, your connection to the cards and your interpretation matter most. Each reading is unique because it reflects your energy and perspective at that moment.

By following these steps, you’ll develop a strong foundation for reading tarot cards. Over time, you’ll find your own style and approach, making each reading more meaningful.