Exploring The Connection Between Astrology And Tarot

Astrology and Tarot are two of the most widely practised tools in metaphysics. Both have deep-rooted histories and traditions, offering unique insights into human experience. Though distinct in their approaches, there is a noticeable overlap between the two systems. Many people wonder about the connection between astrology and Tarot, especially given how both are often used together in spiritual practices. This article explores how these two ancient systems complement one another and can be used together for personal insight and guidance.

The Basics Of Astrology

Astrology is an ancient practice that studies the movements and positions of celestial bodies—such as planets, stars, and the moon—and their influence on human affairs and natural events. At the core of astrology lies the zodiac, divided into twelve signs. These signs correspond to personality traits, tendencies, and potential life experiences.

Astrologers use a person's birth chart, essentially a snapshot of the sky at birth, to gain insights into their character, relationships, career, and more. Key aspects of astrology include the twelve signs of the zodiac, the planets, houses, and aspects between the planets. The relationship between these elements provides a comprehensive overview of an individual's astrological makeup.

The Basics Of Tarot

On the other hand, Tarot is a form of divination that uses a deck of 78 cards to gain insights into various aspects of life. Each card in the Tarot deck has specific symbolism and meaning, and the arrangement of these cards in a spread helps a reader interpret messages related to the seeker's questions or concerns. Tarot cards are divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards representing significant life events or lessons, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles. These suits represent different aspects of life—emotions, actions, intellect, and material matters, respectively. Tarot readings provide insight into the seeker’s present situation, challenges, and potential outcomes, helping them make more informed decisions.

Shared Principles Between Astrology And Tarot

Though astrology and Tarot seem distinct in their methods and tools, they share some common principles. One of the primary commonalities is that both systems are based on the belief that the universe operates in an interconnected way and that forces beyond the individual influence human lives. Whether it's the alignment of planets or the energy represented by Tarot cards, both astrology and Tarot operate under the idea that we can gain insights into our life's purpose and potential through these symbols.

Another shared principle is that both systems can provide guidance and clarity during moments of uncertainty. Astrology offers a broader perspective, focusing on long-term life cycles and overall life paths. Conversely, Tarot provides immediate guidance, addressing questions and concerns about specific situations or decisions.

How Astrology And Tarot Complement Each Other

Astrology and Tarot can be used together to enhance spiritual practices and provide more detailed insights. The connection between the two can be found in how they mirror each other in terms of symbolism and energy. For instance, each zodiac sign has corresponding Tarot cards that align with the themes and energies of the sign. A person can better understand their current situation or life path by looking at the astrological influences and the Tarot cards.

Zodiac Signs And Tarot Cards

Each of the twelve zodiac signs is associated with a Tarot card in the Major Arcana. For example, the Aries sign is linked to the Emperor card, symbolizing leadership and control, while the Taurus sign is associated with the Hierophant, representing stability and tradition. These associations can provide deeper insight when looking at the Tarot spread in the context of someone's astrological profile.

In addition to the Major Arcana, there are correlations between the four suits of the Minor Arcana and the elements of astrology. The suit of Cups corresponds to the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), representing emotions and intuition. The suit of Pentacles relates to the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), which are connected to material and practical matters. The suit of Wands is tied to the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), symbolizing action, creativity, and passion. Finally, the suit of Swords is linked to the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), which relate to intellect, communication, and decision-making.

Birth Chart And Tarot Readings

Many practitioners recommend drawing cards based on an individual's birth chart when using Tarot alongside astrology. For instance, one could pull cards that reflect their Sun, Moon, or Rising signs to understand how each aspect of their astrological profile influences their life experiences. The Moon sign, which represents emotions and inner desires, might be reflected in the Cups suit of the Tarot, offering insights into one's emotional landscape.

By comparing both systems, you can uncover connections between the influences of specific planets in the birth chart and the symbolism in the Tarot. For instance, if Mars (the world of action) is firmly placed in a person's chart, Tarot readings with the Wands suit, representing energy and action, give a deeper look into how Mars plays out in their life.

Using Astrology And Tarot Together For Personal Insight

Many people use astrology and Tarot together to understand themselves and their life circumstances better. While astrology provides a broader perspective on life cycles, purpose, and challenges, Tarot offers more detailed insights into specific situations and decisions. By combining the two, individuals can receive both a long-term view and short-term guidance.

For example, an astrologer might identify a significant transit or cycle indicating a time of change, such as Saturn returning to its natal position, often associated with maturity and responsibility. A Tarot reading during this period can help illuminate how that change might manifest or what actions to take.

Furthermore, Tarot can clarify or add nuance to the themes that arise in an astrological reading. If an astrology chart shows a challenging aspect between Venus (the planet of love) and Mars (the world of desire), a Tarot reading can provide insight into how that conflict might play out in a person's relationships or how to navigate that tension.

The Role Of Intuition In Both Systems

Both astrology and Tarot rely heavily on intuition. Astrologers use their intuitive understanding of the planets, signs, and houses to interpret how these energies influence an individual's life. Similarly, Tarot readers tap into their intuition to interpret the symbols and messages in the cards. Combining astrology with Tarot allows a practitioner to connect with the analytical and intuitive aspects of themselves, enhancing the clarity and depth of the insights gained.


Astrology and Tarot are robust systems providing valuable insights into various aspects of life. While each system operates on its principles and methods, their connection is evident in how they both seek to understand the human experience through symbols, energy, and the broader forces in the universe. Using them together enhances their strengths, offering a more comprehensive view of a person's life, challenges, and decisions. Whether you seek long-term guidance through astrology or short-term clarity through Tarot, combining both practices can offer a holistic approach to personal growth and understanding.